Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Coffee a Day to Keep the Fainting Away?!?

I have been sick with a sinus infection/upper respiratory infection for about a week now, on some seriously strong antibiotics and muscle relaxants to help with the spasms that wrack my body.  Every time I become sick, I muscles spasm uncontrollably, including my throat, making it very difficult to breath (especially when I have a respiratory infection).  While the muscle relaxants work, I know it is not good to take them continuously, and for long periods of time...because not only would I build up a tolerance, my body requiring more and more of a dose to achieve the same results, but it would be very difficult to stop the medication when I feel better. 

While most people would have gone to the hospital after experiencing the type of symptoms I had, I waited it out...hoping I would start to feel better.  I know that if I went to the hospital the doctors would, first and foremost, insist on putting me on high dose steroids to take down any inflammation.  This is such a common practice...and one I have experienced more times than I can count.  I know my body cannot handle another bout of high dose bones will literally fall apart. I already have severe osteoporosis and multiple compression fractures in my spine, from years on the steroid seesaw.  I will not put my body through that torture again!

Yesterday I remembered something my pulmonologist told me years ago, when I stopped taking inhalers because of all the side effects...caffeine is just as effective a vasodilator as some of the inhalers.  It works to keep the airways open, the blood pressure and heart rate up, which can increase the oxygen levels in the blood. 
I figured, what the heck...I would give a cup of regular coffee a try. 

After I went for some blood work, my Mom and I stopped at Dunkin Donuts and I got a regular iced coffee...I added my almond milk and a couple of sugars at home, and was really surprised by the difference it made.  My breathing DID somewhat improve.

I drank the rest of the coffee this morning, and while I did have muscle spasms, I DID NOT FAINT!  My blood pressure and heart rate stayed up enough to keep me from fainting!  My airways opened up enough for me to breath a little easier after getting rid of some "junk" that was stuck in my airways  (sorry if that is too descriptive, but I want you to understand how this is working for me). 

I am by NO means saying this is for everyone, or that it is a wonder cure...but if it helps keep me from fainting, that would be HUGE!  Here is for hoping a cup of coffee a day can keep the fainting away!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to this great herbal doctor who cured me of LUPUS DISEASE his name is Dr. Iyabiye. I suffered LUPUS for over 12 years with pains like: Achy joints, Skin rash, Pain in the chest, swollen joints and many more. The anti-inflammatory drugs couldn’t help, until I read about his recommendation 4 months ago, I contacted him and he administered his medication on me and I was confirmed cured and free at the hospital after taken his medication. You too can be cured if interested. Contacts:
    (+2348072229413 / +2348158577300)
