Friday, May 9, 2014


I knew the fractures in my spine caused me to lose some height, but I thought only a couple of inches from my already petite frame.  I started out at only 4', after SEVEN vertebrea fractures, I am 4'6.  I shrunk five inches. I never thought it was that much! 

It is no wonder the prednisone weight seems so drastic even though I only weigh 105.5 now.  I am losing about a pound per week, yet still look like I swallowed a beach ball, and now I know why. My torso is SO short now, which, truthfully makes my legs look MUCH longer. I do not really see that as a bad thing...although it does make finding clothes that fit properly a challenge, especially tops and dresses.

I do have to continually work on my posture, making sure I stand up straight, not hunching over...keeping my shoulders back and head up (my physical therapist calls it "walking like a supermodel").  That has helped dramatically, but I still have a long way to go...and I know I will never regain that height.  I just have to deal with the fact that I shrunk.  I shrunk five inches...sigh. 

For all of you on prednisone, PLEASE, take some form of calcium and  vitamin D to hopefully prevent spinal fractures and SHRINKAGE! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Takin the Ride to Facebook!

I decided to take this wild ride to Facebook  I will, of course, still write have no fear, this page is going nowhere! Here is the link to my new Facebook page, where I will be posting Lupus information, events in my area (and online), offering up support, and fun pictures  :)  Ivylfa My Lupus SeeSaw .  I hope you will "like" my page and spread the lupus awareness and lupie/spoonie love! 

Thank you so much for your support and for continuing to read about this crazy/wild ride I call Living with Lupus!

Monday, May 5, 2014

I Did The Right Thing...

As much as it pains me, I gave up another piece of my independence. It almost seems fitting that this is happening during Lupus Awareness Month, as this is the root of my problems.

Today, as I was making my appointment to renew my driver's license, the online form asked two very specific questions: "Have you fainted or had dizzy spells in the last 12 months?" and "Do you have a disability that could impact your ability to drive?". Those two questions knocked the wind right out of my sails.

I never thought I would have to answer questions about my health when renewing my license...I ASSumed all I would have to do was show up with the required documents and get my picture taken for a new one. Never did I think I would have to answer "yes" to the above questions, which will effectively stop me from getting one of the last pieces of independence I have left. 

No, I do not drive often...but when I am "well" for a length of time, it is always nice to know that I have the ability to get in the car and go. That will be taken away. More then likely I will only be able to get an ID card. Maybe if I can be "stable" for a good length of time one of my doctors will write a letter stating that I am well enough to drive again.

I know I could have lied...I could have easily checked the "no" box next to the fainting question and kept my ability to drive when I was able...but it just seemed too wrong to lie when asked a direct question about my health.  I am not that person.  Eventhough I threw myself a nice pity party, I still had to do the right thing. 

I am not ashamed that I have lupus. I know that this is not something I did to myself...I do everything in my power to help myself get and stay as healthy as possible. I take my medications, do the physical therapy, keep looking for better treatments, and TRY to keep a positive outlook. This is just one more thing I have to least I can say that I did the right thing. For that, I am proud.