Friday, August 22, 2014

The Seesaw of My Life - One Week Up...One Week Down...Looking Up Again

In the past few weeks I have had my true ride on the Lupus seesaw.  I had an incredible time at my cousin's wedding in Roxbury, NY. The location was beautiful, seeing my family was incredible, and my body cooperated enough for me to have a wonderful time at all of the events.  I was able to do more then I ever thought possible!  I even danced at the wedding (something I NEVER thought I would be able to do again, given my back fractures), but not only was I able to dance, I was able to do it with little pain!!  I was mindful of my limitations and made sure to listen to my body, and because of this, my parents and I had a fantastic trip.
The day after we came home I had an appointment to start the bone-building medication, Forteo. I had researched this medication, and my doctors and I all agreed this was the only medication that seemed to "fit". It is a daily injection, given for only two years.  There are no preservatives that would harm we went ahead with the plan to start the medication in the doctor's office, just in case I had a reaction. I am not a huge fan of sticking myself with a needle, but it is a subcutaneous shot, so the needle is very thin and it came in a pen, so it was a premeasured dose and very easy to handle. I was able to complete the injection into my stomach with no real problem. About thirty minutes after the injection I realized that the site burned, so I lifted my shirt to look at the site, and noticed that there was a VERY red, VERY angry looking red circle that came away from the injection site, along with a red line that went from the site to box in the circle.  I knew this was NOT a good sign. I showed the nurse, who promptly went to get the doctor. She was not pleased with this, and made me stay for another hour to make sure I was not going to have any other reaction. After the hour, the redness had receeded a little, and I was feeling fine, so she let me go home...and instructed me to go to the ER if I felt any worse. If the redness had gone completely and nothing else happened, I was to come back the next day for my next injection. If not, I was to wait a week and we would try it again.
About three hours later, I looked at the site, and noticed that the redness had almost completely faded. I was relieved because I was having no other symptoms. I figured I would go back the next day for another injection. Oh how wrong I was...because forty-five minutes later it felt like I just got off the tea-cup ride from Disney World, I was SO dizzy. Then the vomitting began...and it would not stop long enough for me to take medication that would help the other symptoms I was beginning to experience: muscle spasms, fainting, and throat spasms. I could barely breath. I knew I had to go to the ER because there was NO way I would be able to take my medication that would open my throat with the way I was vomitting. 
My parents drove me to Cleveland Clinic, which is where I had the injection that morning, so the records were in the computer about what happened.  The ER doctor was very concerned because this reaction started with a skin reaction and then went they gave me the cocktail, despite my protests that they just try zofran and valium first. He said that my choice was epinephrin AND solu-medrol or just solu-medrol along with zofran, benedryl, and valium...I relented and took the one without the epinephrin because of how high my heart rate goes on epi, and how difficult it is to bring it back DOWN.  I was afraid of another stroke if they shot my heart rate up that high.  Well, despite NOT getting the epi, I had a neurologic event that resembled a TIA. About thirty minutes after receiving the medications (which were given ALL at the same about a whammy), my left side went completely weak and I got very confused.  It was difficult to concentrate on what the doctor was saying, although I am not sure if that was from fear, medication, or the event itself.  The doctor said he was going to intubate me (put a breathing tube in), if I did not improve or if my breathing became more labored. I was extremely frightened at that point.
They rushed me into CT and that came back normal. My symptoms of left sided weakness completely resolved within fifteen minutes.  The doctors are not sure what happened...maybe the medications hitting me all at once, maybe a slight TIA, we just do not know.  I see my neurologist on Monday to discuss what happened. 
My breathing did not improve until three hours after the medications were given...and four afters the symptoms started.  I was exhausted! All the tests came back normal and all I wanted to do was GO HOME! The ER doctors wanted to keep me overnight for "observation", but I signed myself out...I could not stay there any longer and keep my sanity.  My Mom and I were over-tired and the ER was incredibly crowded.  We made it home and in bed just before midnight.
It has taken me about a week to start recovering from that horrific event.  I still am suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and have flashbacks that wake me up at night and make it difficult for me to go back to sleep.  I am trying to remind myself that I am safe...I am home...I am still here...
Just writing about what happened shows that I am on the upswing...even as I have tears in my eyes writing this, I know that it is cathartic. I have to get it out and let it go.  That is the only way to move forward.  I made a promise to myself to stop being treated like a chemistry set.  I cannot move forward when the medications given to me blow me up and push me back.  I will stick with the medications I know work, eat the foods that do not make me ill, and do as much as I am physically able to keep myself strong...and that will make me stronger still. 
I am tired of the downs that life brings my way...I am ready for more time UP...this is the seesaw of my life. Some things I have control over, and what I put into my body is one of those things. I also control how I FEEL about what happens.  Of course I will have days when I feel sad, that is normal...but I want more days that are HAPPY. I want to enjoy the little things in life. That I can do...that I WILL do! Lupus, autonomic dysfunction, back fractures...they all change things, but I can still be happy with what I can DO. I have to focus on that...the rest will come with time.

1 comment:

  1. What a very scary time you had. I am glad you were able to share your story, and I hope it really helped to be able to write it out and publish it online. Thank you for sharing a very personal event. I do hope you have more Happy days. I laid in bed this morning thinking of a show I have been watching, Breaking Bad, and realized how much I have really been sheltered in my life. For this I am grateful. I thought of the violence of the Civil Rights movements, and the violence which occurred in Ferguson, MO. I am not sure how I escaped living in these conditions, as I grew up in poverty, but somehow my mom must have made some safe choices for us. So, in thinking about these things, I was grateful that I missed all that violence and fear in daily life. I guess what I am trying to put forth is I found some things I was grateful for and then got up to face the day. Today and yesterday I am having fibro flares and just touching anything is painful. I am fortunate I am not working right now (and unfortunate as well in many ways) so I don't have to try and deal with being dressed up for work (I am a paralegal), or dealing with trying to focus on work. I am currently waiting on two disability cases and hence, I am not working. I know it is very hard to be thankful for anything many days, but at the very least on really bad days, I find I am very grateful I have a wonderful little dog to comfort me. I have sad and frustrating days as well, not enough to go the whole antidepressant route, but all this pain has to bring a person down, there is just no possible way we can be happy all the time.
    Thanks for writing, and I will add you as a member of the Lupus Professionals group. I am also on FB under Mind Chatterings and on Word Press (there are links on the LinkedIn page I believe).
    Peace & Love
